1) There is something weird going on with romanization. If I translate from Japanese and try the proofread target there are two different romanizations for the same text. As far as I understand, in the example provided, the left side is extremely formal, and I don't believe majority of people would use that pronunciation. The romanization on the right side is the one that is the most commonly used.
Why are these two different? It would be nice if it used the most common form on the left side as well. Changing the settings to formal/informal/natural/literal or adding context does not affect it at all.
These are extremely useful when you are learning the language, so you can figure out what kanjis are constructed of, and how you should pronounce it, but when it uses something that is not used in every day conversation, it's not very helpful. It would help if the settings for formality would affect these as well (on the input side, as I am trying to decipher the text that I paste in). If it's set to standard, it should use everyday conversation.
Here is the example Japanese sentence: "私は日本人です。" (watashi wa nihonjin desu)

2) When I change the text and languages, the URL should reflect that. Right now it stays the same as when I loaded the page (went via !t bang). So if I reload, the translation is lost and it's not possible to share the URL to it.