Is there a token
parameter? With regular kagi search I'm able to create an OpenSearch engine that works in private browsing (incognito) mode, by including my API token in the URL search params. It's great for one-off search engines in firefox. I also have an OpenSearch engine for Google Translate.
But when I try to do that for Kagi Translate, it's a little buggy in private browsing mode. First, red text appears saying "An error occurred during translation," and a Cloudflare widget appears temporarily that says "Verifying." And it doesn't translate my query until I hit "translate" button.
If, before using Kagi Translate in that private browsing window, I first use regular Kagi Search with my engine (which passes it my API token), everything works fine, and it knows who I am, and remembers my preferences. But it won't let me pass the token directly to Kagi Translate, so basically I have to use regular Kagi Search in that window before I can use Kagi Translate.
Not the end of the world, but it would be good to implement a token parameter. Maybe it already exists and it just has a different name. Nonetheless, are the search parameters documented anywhere? I would like to make sure my OpenSearch engine is exhaustive.
This would allow us to open Kagi Translate with a URL like{api_token}&text=%s
and have it log us in automatically, like Kagi Search does. Then it works just as well in private browsing/incognito mode.
Thank you. The translate widget is awesome btw. Much richer than Google Translate, in this respect. Word insights and the overall ML use are impressive. I love the extra options like translation style, context, etc. I hope these all get search parameters, and be documented so we can use them in automations, like one-off search engines. Rather than having to manually click each time (if for example we want to get formal translations by default).