Bug: copying multiline translated text with selecting + ctrl-v instead of the copy button strips the newlines. Though this was not the initial translation, I just used autodetect -> english with

Manually selecting the text on the right, and copying with ctrl-c copies
Example translation
to the clipboard, instead of the expected
Using the dedicated copy button does work as intended, but ctrl-c really should work too. Weirdly, this is only a problem in the translation field, and not in the source field, where both selecting+ctrl-c works as intended.
I initially discovered this on a Norwegian->English translation, and the example I gave here can be reproduced with other languages as the target language as well (verified with danish and korean, because those required the least amount of effort to pick from the list :p)
In case it's relevant: only checked in Firefox 135.0.1 on Linux Mint 22.1