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Feature Suggestions
Kagi Social: A Feature Proposal
Kagi Mail: Suggestions Based on My Personal Email Experience
AI feature to turn websites (e.g. news articles) into a podcast
Kagi Privacy Pass
Unhide website result upvote/downvote/feedback mechanism
Kagi Translate Feedback
Opt-in collaborative shared result ranking
Ultimate plan features brainstorming
A way for user to share their Kagi customizations
Assistant rendering table
"Go to [url]" autocompletion isn't useful
Github (and gitlab/codeberg/etc..) stats a la IMDB
Could a section be added for Assistant?
Add ability to search by keyword within a category
Be able to copy and share link from results page on mobile
Include more shopping results, Amazon is too frequent
Europe regional search filter
Merge "Analytics" and "Search and Assistant Usage" to have per user analytics over a longer period
Make the FastGPT Search field dynamic in order to see the entire query, like in other GPT sites.
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