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Preventing content marketing in search results
Close button on Maps UI is confusing and doesn’t act as expected
Summarizer failing even with shortened YouTube URLs
Quotation Marks Ignored by Wikipedia Widget
Fastgpt stopped providing links to its results, and also seems to be providing less robust results
Kagi Assistant not using lenses
Clicking a result with no browser installed crashes the app
Changelog illustation not optimised for dark mode
User sandbox Wikipedia page shown on map
Orion - broken link
Scrolling in the query field on iOS Safari is inconsistent
"Pre-prompting" not working?
[PRIVACY] Persistent AI chat logs may pose a privacy issue
No results when searching for "storytel" with region setting Switzerland (CH - de)
Reddit links to raw video
UI/UX bug for promoting a domain and all its subdomains
Kagi Translate does not translate the web page
Logical operators in Lens searches include results from unspecified websites
(Farsi)/Arabic charachter view issue
Assistant ignores languge of prompt
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