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Cannot escape markdown links to forum posts
"The requested resource was not found" error message after posting a reply
Comment save icon is rotated off center
Kagifeedback.org search weirdness
Save bug report drafts automatically
Drafts aren't being saved correctly if they're replies
Username selector in the wrong place
Username showing up as [deleted]
Notifications reappear on Kagifeedback
Limita las lineas de traduccción
On reloading documentation page it shows an error
Searching with !kf doesn't work
Code blocks are hard to read
No "functionality" category for bugs!
Text in search bar overlap with clear button
Kagifeedback Has Message Saying Kagi is in Beta
Leaving the image gallery/view by pressing the X or esc requires several clicks/taps
Github signup not using primary email address
Kagifeedback.org itself seems unreachable from French ISP Free
Why can't I delete this account
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