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Instant answer widgets
Github (and gitlab/codeberg/etc..) stats a la IMDB
Search With Bangs - Browser Extension Feature
Add a privacy pass widget to the android mobile app
Show weather widget irrespective of display language
Listicle Summarization
Maps on Location Cards are inappropriately zoomed
Suggest kagi features during search
Privacy Pass on Android user experience
Kagito, ergo sum—A design for a cybernetically closed extension of the Kagi search system
File Conversion Widget
[Firefox Extension] Option to open a cached version of kagi.com on new tab
Lens search feature
Support `define:<term>`
Widgets for Definitions and Synonyms
Hex Color Selector widget should pop up when searching for "hex color selector"
Timer should start immediately
Show author/channel in search results video widget
Make Kagi Translate widget appear without requiring "translate" keyword.
Add a minimize button to PIP + one you can move around anywhere.
Book widget
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