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UI inconsistency in Kagi Maps
Kagi Maps search results layout
Close button on Maps UI is confusing and doesn’t act as expected
Using bangs with search suggestions doesn't use the search suggestions
User sandbox Wikipedia page shown on map
(Farsi)/Arabic charachter view issue
Kagi Maps Null Null Null
Mapbox hours summary wrong
Map does not preserve search results when navigating back
Black Friday located in Bjørkedal, Norway
Doesn't show me a map for business name + place name, or for even highly specific address shapes
Map search didn't work after successfully making a normal query
Direction switches between miles and KM
Searching freezes the maps app
Maps shows blank in Firefox (but works in Edge)
Kagi Maps GPS Location Doesn't Update on Firefox
Kagi Maps bang is useless
Add ability to update old address
!m bang doesn't work
Kagi maps finds Texas in Alaska
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