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All Discussions
Kagi Assistant Temporary Mode
Kagi mobile app should inherit/have user-defined “open in” actions
Strip utm_source from URLs in Maps
Wikipedia places on maps are too morbid
Landscape view on kagi.com causes the upper part of Doggo to be cut off
Kagi Maps: Give romanization / latinization options for languages like Chinese, Japanese, Arabic etc.
Lenses working incorrectly
Duplicate results for apps on the Apple App Store
Deepseek V3 0324
Search results for torbay newfoundland post office telephone number not providing phone number
Improve Assistant chat layout to contrast user input and Assistant's responses
Kagi Assistant: clicking the thread name while it's already selected makes all of the messages disappear
Reduce the header size in Assistant response
LLM Augmented Lens Creation Process
Lenses not working with 'Open First Result' \
Clicking on the active Assistant thread exits out of the thread
I *BEG* you to stop redesigning the Assistant
Noticed issue when using R3 image upload feature
Change base layer on map and address pin is lost
Orion's "Translate with Kagi" menu item does not urlencode the address
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