We are launching an alpha version of Sidekick, an AI-powered search and chat solution designed to improve the way users interact with a website. It offers instant search results, and accurate answers, by tapping directly into the website's content.

You can see the demo of Sidekick in Kagi's documentation and visit the Sidekick project landing page.

We'd love to hear from you feedback about how it feels to use, and how would you use it.

    Vlad stickied the discussion .

      Link seems to be down? Also I don't see Sidekick in the docs. Delayed launch?

        The AI response definitely should be debounced further and either trigger after stopping typing for like 500ms or after pressing enter. Otherwise it's really stressing to use, when it answers your half finished question while typing.

          After trying it out and doing some testing, it seems like it could use some general improvements/fixes:

          • While doing some testing, it seems that the rate limits don't seem to be handled at all. If you happen to hit them there is just an empty box and the only way to know you hit a rate limit would be to check the developer console.
          • The responses could be more concise as they seem very wordy currently. For example, with a prompt like "what are the plans", you get nearly an entire paragraph about how the plans cater to different users and the like, but the pricing is only mentioned for the Ultimate plan. A follow up prompt in the "chat" mode seems to help, but it would be better if it were presented from the start.
          • When going from the search bar response to the chat mode through the "Keep Chatting..." link, it should ideally keep the prompt and response.
          • When closing the chat area, there seems to be a Kagi logo left behind (which has a Kagi grey background around it, which seems like it should be transparent?). This logo doesn't really tell you what it does, a chat icon could probably serve this purpose better. It also seems to just "appear" out of nowhere. It would probably be a good idea to have it there from the start or not have it afterwards.

          Overall though, it doesn't seem too bad and I was impressed with how quickly it seemed to respond.

            7 days later
            Vlad unstickied the discussion .

              On the sidekick web page, only small/personal and commercial websites are mentionned:

              We intend to offer Sidekick as a free service for small/personal websites and reasonably priced search option for commercial websites

              What about larger but non commercial websites, such as the website of a (Public) University Library, for instance?

                This seems rather unexpected (yes I did a typo but still)

                  3 months later

                  Can anyone point me at documentation for how to use sidekick on my personal website/blog?

                    Value7609 Yeah I saw that. I had registered but hadn't heard anything back. I wondered if there was something I'm missing. Sounds like not.

                    • Vlad replied to this.