So trying out Kagi for the first time, and something I instantly noticed was that Kagi have a very long page of seach results ( potentially endless) compared to google that has several pages numbered, meaning when you are done looking for results you have to scroll very far to get back to start to make another search.

I suggest giving the option in Appearance for a header that auto reappear only when scrolling back up. Kinda similar to how Duckduckgo does, But ideally more like this website:


That has a header that only reapears when scrolling up fast. meaning you can still scroll slowly up without it coming up

I understand that sticky headers can be anoying and some people dont like them. but this only appears when scrolling back up at a certain speed, unlike Googles that is permanent sticky header, or DDG that appears regardless of speed

And ofc it should only be optional.

This could maybe be done with custom css, but I dont think the average user should know CSS to get the functionality they want, or should rely on 3rd party to get the quality of life features they want

  • Vlad replied to this.

    Longely Note that you can customize the length of the results page in Settings.


      sure. but i dont mind endless results i prefer them over googles pages. my only problem is as mentioned i have to scroll very far to reach the searchbar/toolbar

      • Vlad replied to this.

        Longely Note also \ shortcut which brings you back to the search input (and also j/k work to navigate search results if you are a keyboard fan).

          good to know. Im not a shortcut power user myself. and prefer to navigate with mouse.

          That said on on my keyboard layout "Danish", its a two handed shortcut. Shift + 7, a bit akward.

          I Also think you guys should be as accesible as possible to any kind of users, children (family plan) disabled people, etc.. there are multible shortcut ways to get to the search field, but i dont think any of em should be nescessary if i dont want to.

          I think Kagi is one of the only search engines without some form of sticky hearder. and my proposed and optional solution is probably the least intrusive way you can do it.. not only is it auto hide when scrolling down over your results. its also doesnt auto appear when scrolling back up slowly.

          But i guess you can wait to see if it gets more voters, if doubting its needed

          • Vlad replied to this.
            5 days later

            Longely Sticky headers are generally considered an annoying UX pattern so we would like to avoid that. open to any other suggestions.

            on my keyboard layout "Danish", its a two handed shortcut. Shift + 7,

            Shift 7 is usually '/' not '\' which on most keyboard layouts should be a standalone key?


              the suggestion here is that it isn't a sticky header but a "partially sticky header" and again, it should be optional. so if you dont like it you can just not toggle it on.

              There could be other potential solutions but that would be a different solution which should be a different suggestion.

              I dont think Danish mac keyboards have that key

              shift + 7


              works tho

                10 days later

                Seen a search engine nona.de do what I think you would like to have? It does feel a bit distracting at least to me.


                  No nona.de auto appears when not scrolling, I dont think thats great

                  I Want it to only appear when scrolling up

                  dr.dk is an example

                  the great thing about dr.dk is that it only reappears when scrolling up at a certain speed. so if you are just scrolling slowly up it doesnt


                    is also an example. that one appears regardless of speed when scrolling up tho. would be nice if it was like dr.dk where it only drops down at fast speed

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