So trying out Kagi for the first time, and something I instantly noticed was that Kagi have a very long page of seach results ( potentially endless) compared to google that has several pages numbered, meaning when you are done looking for results you have to scroll very far to get back to start to make another search.
I suggest giving the option in Appearance for a header that auto reappear only when scrolling back up. Kinda similar to how Duckduckgo does, But ideally more like this website:
That has a header that only reapears when scrolling up fast. meaning you can still scroll slowly up without it coming up
I understand that sticky headers can be anoying and some people dont like them. but this only appears when scrolling back up at a certain speed, unlike Googles that is permanent sticky header, or DDG that appears regardless of speed
And ofc it should only be optional.
This could maybe be done with custom css, but I dont think the average user should know CSS to get the functionality they want, or should rely on 3rd party to get the quality of life features they want