It's mildly frustrating to search for something, and have the first seven results all be from the same website. This feels more like a bug than a feature request — could we have the option of limiting results to one link per website?

Other than that, I love you folks — thanks.

Search for a movie, get one result from IMDB, one result from Wikipedia, more results from other blogs and sites... instead of seven results from IMDB, four results from Wikipedia, etc.

  • z64 replied to this.

    Hi nousername , thanks for the feedback!

    There is a lot of nuance in how we render results. To make absolutely sure we are exactly on the same page, could you please share some example screenshots of what you are referring to?


      It was disabled. Now it's enabled, and I seem to be getting one result per site.
      OK to close -=- thank you.

        No one is typing