Just curious if this is being progressed?
I see that the Kagi android app is over the 5k+ mark and I assume Kagi have to apply to be added to the Pixel Launcher Search Engine Choice Selection screen.
@Kagi have you applied to be added yet?
I thought I'd share that anyone (not just EEA countries) can enable the Pixel Launcher Search Engine Choice Selection using an ADB command:
adb shell settings put secure selected_search_engine DEF
After using the ADB command you should be able to hold on the search bar and "settings" should pop up which allows you to choose a search app. Make sure you have the app installed, I've just tested it with DuckDuckGo installed and it worked and I'm from the UK (note, I didn't have this option prior to using the ADB command........Blooming BREXIT! lol!).
I'm really looking forward to finally having Kagi as my default Search Engine on the Pixel Launcher!