As someone residing in a multilingual country in which english is an established but not a dominant language (Switzerland), I frequently run into scenarios where my (technical & english) search queries return auto translated reddit threads. This happens even though all my devices are set to US english and thus, I'm quite confident that my user agent is not transmitting e.g. German as a prioritized language.
These auto translated reddit threads aren't horrible, but in my opinion still quite subpar. They also contain just enough tonal shift that even if they would be a useful match, I'm constantly left second guessing the contents. I'd rather just see the original thread (which is usually in the result set, but "demoted").
I don't want to block or lower all reddit results (which are usually helpful), but all reddit results containing the ?tl=*
query parameter (which are less so).
As someone technical enough, I could imagine simply adding a regex (which is run against all result URLs) to a specific domain, gated behind some "advanced" menu option in the customization settings. That would allow me to achieve my result with a great amount of flexibility -- but I'm aware regex would be rather confusing to less technical people; so maybe there's another way to provide such filtering options instead?