@byteduck @jwalthour @thislooksfun
We have pushed new version 2.2.5 (34) on TestFlight. Please give that a try and let us know if that fixes your issues.
- We have updated setup instructions to avoid confusions for new permission requirements
- We have fixed backward compatibility (iOS 15 & 16), as the new implementation broken support for older iOS
- Fixed an issue where redirect rules were not updating when updating private session link (rarely happens, but was still a potential issue)
TestFlight invite link, if you don't have access to that - https://testflight.apple.com/join/nx6Gvf4h
We are also working to fix sign-in page issue on server side to completely avoid that, we can hope for that fix tomorrow. But still the extension should work without any issue if configured properly by following instructions.
Attaching visual instructions here too for help.