This sounds very similar to my previous suggestion #1967 but is something very different, though this suggestion would make a bit more sense if the previous one was implemented.

When starting the search with a bang e.g. "!wiki" the search suggestions very often just don't make any sense.
For example:
!wiki media

  • wikimedia
  • wikimedia commons
  • wikipemedia images

and so on.
With my previous suggestion, the search suggestions should be at least aware that the query starts with a ! and should not suggest stuff that does not start with !wiki.

Now this suggestion goes one step further, what if when a query starts with a bang, everything after it won't get autocompleted directly from kagi but from the search where the bang would redirect. Something like firefox has the "@wikipedia" shortcut, which switches the search engine to wikipedia for this query and shows the autocompletion of wikipedia.

If Kagi could 'proxy' the search suggestions, then the search suggestions on kagi would be for example:
!wiki media

  • !wiki Media
  • !wiki Mediacorp
  • !wiki MediaWiki
  • !wiki Median
  • !wiki Media bias
  • !wiki Media (communication)

The autosuggestion for en.wikipedia.org is "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&format=xml&search=media&namespace=0", the opensearch xml can be found at "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/opensearch_desc.php"

I don't know if this is feasible, I suppose this could be at least implement for some of the most used bangs and/or custom bangs.
The interface for custom bangs, could incoporate this with an extra textfield which as URL in the same syntax as the redirect URL for autosuggestions.
The interface could also have a button that automatically checks for autocompletion capabilites, by querying the redirect url for an opensearch spec and then fill the textfield with the URL that is in the xml where type=application/x-suggestions+xml

PS: can we get a suggestion/bug category specific for bangs like we have for lenses? I submit so many bang related stuff and I always just select Mobile and Desktop.

  • Vlad replied to this.


    With my previous suggestion, the search suggestions should be at least aware that the query starts with a ! and should not suggest stuff that does not start with !wiki.

    This was not at all clear that it was the gist of your previous suggestion. I agree it makes sense though. Can you plase add this as a comment to your previous suggestion.

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