Vlad Thanks! Not a UI designer, just have too much time on my hands 😁
I agree that the search page should be minimal and focus on search results but in this case I think the Page Summariser is really handy and would be used more often if it was immediately visible which hopefully will in turn result in more feedback to make it better and create a positive cycle and make it a more prominent feature that distinguishes Kagi from the rest.
spicytuna This could work too as long as it doesn't make the settings page too cluttered. Although I am worried that if it isn't turned on by default, we will lose the benefit of promoting the usage of Page Summariser to get more feedback but that's up to @Vlad and team on how much emphasis and resource want/can put into it at the moment with all the other things on their list so maybe having it as an option in settings is the better way forward for now.