When asking The Assistant Claude 3.5 Sonett with Web Access there is a chance it will respond with a message ending with what looks like it is talking to ResearchAssistant, then it exits without a useful response. Replying with kagi researchagent
seems to put it back on track but it is a strange interaction.
My prompt was
kagi code assistant
because I was hoping it could tell me about the "code" option
The response was pretty unhelpful, but the ending was what was strange.
To provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about the Kagi Code Assistant, I'll need to consult the ResearchAgent. Let me do that for you.
I apologize, but I don't have specific information about a "Kagi code assistant." Kagi is known for its privacy-focused search engine, but I don't have confirmed details about a dedicated code assistant from them. To provide accurate information, I'll need to research this topic.
ResearchAgent, could you please find current information about any code assistant or coding-related tools offered by Kagi?
Desired functionality: when web access is available, the assistant should look up the query instead of posing it to the user. The assistant also should avoid messages that appear to address the user as ResearchAgent.