Please highlight instances of keywords that were matched in search results.
This will reduce the amount of time users spend trying to find relevant pages, as results with matched keywords will be clearly visible. Currently, users (myself included) may use their browser's search tool to further search results, but neither Chromium nor Firefox are capable of searching for multiple terms simultaneously (without extensions). This issue is especially prevalent when pages with only one or two keywords are ranked higher than those with more.
Pages without all keywords being ranked higher than others is not the subject of this post, but I may create another forum topic about it later.
Users will see matched keywords in a different CSS style than the rest of search results, ideally in a combination of colour and bold text.
Baidu, DuckDuckGo, and Google have this feature, but Baidu's implementation is vastly superior. If you implement this, please add a CSS class for it, so tweaking the appearance of matched keywords will be trivial. Additionally, some people may not want this, so it should be enabled by default, but can be disabled in settings.