Found a few strings that can't be translated and so are are always shown in english.
The "Search this region..." background text in the region search box.

"Discuss this document" after summarizing a search result. (bottom right in the image)

"What would you like to know/Discuss?" when asking questions about a result.

Lens are also untranslatable, not sure if by design. At least the description probably should be translated.

"Kagi Search stats" in the stats page.

Fun fact and Kagi surprise strings, when viewing the member graph.

Kagi assistant explaination when viewing the assistant queries graph.

Orion browser explaination when viewing the orion+ subscribers graph. It's basically a cut-off layouts.settings.billing.orion.body_text_1

Expected the strings to be translatable to provide a better user experience.
edit: re-uploaded broken imgs
edit2: found more strings