We do not know if you want to report a bug or make a suggestion when clicking the link
Good point. I can think of several ways to allow the user to choose between a bug and suggestion:
- Turn the "Send Feedback" link into a menu/combo button.
- When the user clicks "Send Feedback," send them to a dedicated "bridge/landing" page (instead of the front page) that only has the two buttons (bug/suggestion) and user-friendly instructions. (The first time I clicked "Send Feedback" I was a little confused because I wanted to report a bug, but I was presented with a list of bugs.) This would be a great place to put the debug info with UI for copying to the clipboard. Also could be implemented as an overlay/modal dialog over the Kagi page itself.
- Allow the user to switch between bug/suggestion on the form itself.
- Merge the suggestion template with the bug template (auto-tagging is not possible, though)
Browser/OS from UA is notoriously misleading and some browser provide wrong version on purpose.
Perhaps the UA is still better than no data at all?
Finally not sure where to put the button as control center is a bit too crowded already.
It doesn't have to be a button, and I don't think it takes up that much space. Some examples:
text link:
just icon
(couldn't remember any examples...)
Finally, my Kagi control panel seems to have plenty of space:
Mobile requires scrolling, but I think a "Copy debug info" link would fit next to "Status"