SergeiErmakov searches like "primevue number input non-nullable" lead to "empty result" pages, which is very strange would expect some results
Vlad dewey Nope, there is a race condition somewhere and a search at random produces no result output (although there are search results to show).
SergeiErmakov Vlad yeah, just noticed that invalidating cache fixes the issue, basically adding to search result anything (for example just number "2")
TeddJohnson Searched for Bojack horseman wiki ana and it returned We haven't found anything. This is the most obvious thing that should show up, but searching on google return at last 2 pages of relevant results. Dunno what it was in that search that cause it to choke (my guess is "wiki") but I figured I should report it
Jdeen When searching Mac Studio vs pc set to forums, no results. Set to web, many results with first one being Reddit.
Vlad We should have a first fix for this issue roll out in a couple of hours. Thanks everyone for your patience.
Vlad Siebjee We think results break because inline maps widget is failing to get information it wants. It should not ever break the search flow to begin with (so our bug) but also something that is incredibly hard to debug.
Siebjee Vlad Tank you for sharing! I appriciate your transparency. Interesting "bug". Glad you found it!
Vlad We rolled out a first fix, let us know if this helped. If you get "no search results found" please post a screenshot here.
Siebjee @Vlad So, clicking on "See more discussions" produced a "We haven't found anything". But there was something found in the widget. Updating the time did produce results. Edit: 15 minutes passed:
yellow User on Bluesky found empty results searching for "γ―γγΆγ2" in English interface. It must be the same bug because I could not reproduce.
Recast No results for reddit ai deal. Firefox. AUSTRA-SOUTHEAST1.