Like many other posters here, I am also having issues with this. I live in Quebec. I generally search in English, but local searches can be either in English or French. This leads to frustrating cases where search results won't be found unless I do two searches, one in ca-fr and one in ca-en.
For example, let's say I search for "Longueuil Pickleball" to get information about Pickleball in the city of Longueuil. Longueuil is a suburb directly across the river from Montreal. It tends to be quite a bit more francophone than Montreal itself, so often websites for local activities/clubs will only be in French.
Here is the result for the ca-en region:

And the ca-fr region:

I would expect the most relevant result for this search to be for the Club de Pickleball de Longueuil (Longueuil Pickleball Club), as that's the organization which organizes Pickleball events in the area. However, this result is completely absent from the ca-en results, so somebody would have no idea this organization even existed unless they manually changed their region to ca-fr!
Google, on the other hand, correctly gives the Longueuil Pickleball Club as the top result even where the search language is set to English:

I would like to underscore what other users have said and point out that this really seems to come down to confounding language with region. There are many regions in the world where multiple languages are spoken and people would want multilingual local search results.
I do hope this gets addressed. Kagi is a real pain for me to use for local searches, as I basically have to do two queries. I really like the idea of Kagi and its mission, but if it's not useful for my day-to-day local searches I will eventually have to go back to DDG.