I agree that there are two conflicting schools of thought, but I would say that the results based on language and results based on region shouldn't necessarily be tied together.
As you say, international communication tends to default to english, but someone's language isn't necessarily tied to their region in many cases, so the best possible solution would be to ensure the backend treats language and region separately and then allows choosing different settings in the UI (Although probably too big an effort right now).
For my original query about shopping queries, its really a special case where I flip back and forth between the two schools of thought you post. I search for reviews world-wide for products that are international (Tech, Websites, etc), but only locally for local services and products (vegemite, mobile phone plans, etc). I'm not suggesting biasing the search engine one way or the other, but letting us choose.
Three suggestions for how we could choose this in the UI:
- In the existing region drop down box, add an "Exclusively" button to the far right side, to allow selecting a region and excluding all other region's results.
- This requires the backend knowing that .com.au sites are local to Australia, .co.uk to UK, and so on.
- There are other cases where .com sites are hosted in Australia and have Australian local content, but skipping those is fine by me to keep it simple.
- Using the multi-region UI mocked up by Teriy-Aki, display "International" as enabled by default (since international results are included by default), then selecting "International" will remove it from the selected regions and perform the same as option 1.
- A separate toggle (possibly hidden in an overflow menu) that just says "Exclude international results".
- Again, toggling this on would perform as option 1.
In an ideal world, these same selections would be available separately based on languages, and the default settings for a search would be inferred from the language of the search terms. But I'll leave others to pitch that change.