@Vlad I understand your point, but I must submit that this is an incredibly frustrating experience. Me, my friends, and I expect many people whose primary language is not English, search very often in either English or Swedish without thinking about it. When using Google, I never think about if I'm searching in Swedish and English. It "just works". Having to "think" about search makes it much less seamless. It should be quick, thoughtless.
When in regular search, I usually get good results for both Swedish and English in the Sweden region. I stay in the Sweden region 100% of the time because anything else would be frustarting. I would have to think about what language I am searching in, then do the search, then switch the region to match whatever language I searched in.
Besides, Kagi's regular results are usually good independent of the language I search in. But it is inconsistent. Some results are poorer, and I start to feel doubtful of poor results are because of my region, or just a bad search query. I find myself double checking that the results are not better in the International region.
It being inconsistent is almost worse than it not working at all. If I search for news about "Finland election" in the Sweden region, I get seemingly good results. But searching "Bluesky", the results were bad? Am I going to have to check my region after every search just to make sure I'm not getting a worse experience?

I don't know. I'm ranting. I'm just saying this is frustrating and makes me feel doubtful when searching. I don't know what the solution would be, on your end. I never had this anxiety when using Google. It "just worked" when it came to Swedish vs English queries :/