Vlad If I am in [xx] region show me only results from that region
If I am in [xx] region, show me a good mix of international/english results
Kagi currently leans more towards 1.
What is some of the low hanging fruit we can quickly implement to make the situation better for everyone?
I'd argue that Kagi currently leans more towards 2, and that's good.
I don't get why you don't just copy Google. Let users who want it select "Only from" Region/Language for a search in the search settings:

That way people only wanting content from their selected language/region could easily set that, and the rest of us can get good results, with a natural mix of region language and English depending on our search term, without all the extra labor and headaches of having to redo half our searches solely because we did a search with the opposite region set previously (as it's obviously impossible to see what Region you have selected when you search from the browser address bar).
When I type an English search term I want English results, when I type a Norwegian term I want Norwegian results, and if I type a mixed/unspecified term I want a good mix of both if they exist (in Norwegian), otherwise just English results ofc. Without having to manually change regions all the damn time. That's how it currently works, please don't change that! [1]
However, I should be able to force the search to only display crappy local results, like on Google.
One improvement over Google would be making the settings mentioned above "sticky" (like Lenses) so they don't reset for every search. Another obvious improvement over Google would be to show all languages/regions, like the current region selector, instead of the stupid way Google does it with only showing All and the Language/region of the Google ccTLD you are on.
[1] This is a great example of the perfect mix that is currently there (open in new tab):