I searched for "hacker news" in news, and set the date filter to day, which IIUC should show news posted today.
But the only thing it showed, was an article from "2 days ago"

After investigating the top links, the first hacker news post and the second article about "decentralized hacker news" are from today, so these are correct, the third one does seem to be a bit older.
My problem is not that some search indexes don't show the correct date, but that Kagi clearly gets the article time stamp as "2 days ago", so the data would be there, but it didn't get filtered correctly.
Interestingly enough, when selecting the "week" filter, I see many posts from <24 hours ago, which don't show up when filtering by today.

I expected to see all results which kagi has for this query, which were posted today, or in the last 24 hours.
I expect, that I don't see posts, older than 48 hours.