Steps to reproduce:
Type 5 + 2,50 in Kagi.
It solves 5 + 250 so the answer is 255.

Expected behavior:
The answer should be 7,50.
In Europe the comma is used to separate euros from cents.

Debug info:
I legit cannot see the Debug Info on the desktop version. I'm probably blind. I don't think they're so relevant either.
To contrast, what might be relevant is that my country/region is France but my interface language is English.

    Apparently, Kagi does not recognize the comma (,), however the period (.) can be used.

      4 months later
      a month later

      This is not done.

      1,50 + 1,50

      gives the set {1, 51, 50} instead of 3.

      • Vlad replied to this.

        guissmo how do you propose we solve for this? perhaps setting for defining decimal point? never saw a search engine do that but we might need to?

          a month later

          I don't know the full feature set you have but I would reckon assume don't assume something with commas is a set unless there are curly braces around it?

          Google answers 3.

          Bing, while it does not directly answer it in its calculator, gives a quick answer suggestion of 3 to 1,50 + 1,50.

          Duck Duck Go answers 3.

          It's only Wolfram Alpha that parses 1,50 + 1,50 as a set.
          On the other hand 1,234 + 1,234 is not treated as a set by Wolfram Alpha.
          I could only guess it's because it's based in America and they don't realize the European interpretation?

          If I have to make a suggestion (assume W, X, Y, Z are 1-digit numbers)

          • Anything of the form X,Y and X,YZ : the comma would be treated as a decimal point.
          • Anything of the form W,XYZ : the comma would be treated as a period separator (separating thousands, millions, billions, etc).
          • Anything of the form W, X or W,X,Y (note the space after the comma) treat it as a set -- if you really prefer to have a set.


            Anything of the form X,Y and X,YZ : the comma would be treated as a decimal point.
            Anything of the form W,XYZ : the comma would be treated as a period separator

            That doesn't make any sense. What if you have a decimal with 3 digits after the point/comma?

            The meaning of a comma depends on the region.

              I would just like to suggest two changes to above rules:

              • handle the thousand separator/decimal separator based on user's selected region, you can "reparse" this before sending it off to Wolfram Alpha for simple arithmetics
              • if there are only digits, commas and calculation symbols present, don’t handle them as sets: +-/*^(), sets should only ever be triggered by {}[]
                6 days later

                tschoesi I think claiming the suggestion doesn’t make sense when the proposed solution just misses an edge case is excessive.

                I’d like to clarify that when I said “If I had to give a solution”, I meant that this is my best effort at solving the problem within the amount of time I wanted to invest.

                While I do voluntarily come here and give feedback and try to give best effort solutions, I feel like it’s not my job to take the time in eke out of all the edge cases of a feature request especially when I’m paying for the service.


                  I think claiming the suggestion doesn’t make sense when the proposed solution just misses an edge case is excessive.

                  I don't believe this is an edge case. Your proposed solution is to infer the meaning of a comma from the number of digits that come after it. Which in my opinion doesn't make sense - the number of digits holds no information about what a comma means.

                  I feel like it’s not my job to take the time in eke out of all the edge cases of a feature request especially when I’m paying for the service.

                  Agree. I'm simply pointing out that I don't think your proposed solution would work well in practice. (I agree with your bug report, and I also want it solved.)

                  In the end it is up to the Kagi team to decide what they think works best.

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