I don't use the calculator or unit conversion feature that much as it isn't that intuitive to use, but I sometimes miss it when I'm just on my phone.
On my laptop I always use the CLI qalc
They also have a GTK frontend (not important for this suggestion) and a c++ library https://github.com/Qalculate/libqalculate.
Here are some examples of what it's capable of:
Some things I use often:

Image from their README:

And this probably just scratches the surface.
I don't know if this is feasible for Kagi, but I thought it would be worth a try to suggest it.
Someone also got this working in WASM https://flaviutamas.com/qalculate-wasm/
I also think this would close some bug reports/suggestions on here e.g.
> ns to ms
nanosecond = 0.000001 ms
> 1 femtosecond to picosecond
1 femtosecond = 0.001 ps
> 1 krw to usd
1 KRW ≈ 0.0007412440459512468478565424488652283552815914822079013729335948444942560941440179321938918464555898011 $
> set precision 10
1 KRW ≈ 0.0007412440460 $
(precision can be adjusted)
> 2^63
2^63 ≈ 9.223372037E18