Finding The Cast By Their Faces
I don't like Google and their work. So I try my best to use anything but their products. However there are two things that keeps me going back. One is YouTube, and the other is searching for cast members. There are times when you want to know who is that face in a movie? And all I have to do is to say for example "cast of fringe" then I can see all the faces with their names in the movie and in real life. So I can find the person I'm looking for in a second:

However, in all search engines except for Google and Bing, the result is a list of names:

If I knew who these people were then I had no reason to search the cast, and If I wanted to find someone, a list of names gives me no help. I have to search them one by one hoping that I will recognize their face (which then makes me search their name in the series/movie just to make sure who they were in the movie/series and if I have found the right person) This is basically pointless. So I have to go back to google.
Deep Searching By Associations
I often times find things by associations. Imagine for a second that you see a series on TV and you have no context who the person in that series is. But, you recognize the face of a cast member from another thing you have seen. For example. maybe a cast member here is the same person who played Walter Bishop in Fringe, all I have to do is search "cast of fringe" then I find that John Noble is the guy who plays Walter Bishop, I click on his picture and google shows all the other shows he plays in. Then I'll probably find the series at a glance just by looking at its poster or in a few seconds by clicking on each series and checking its details out:

To me this is a huge feature that makes me use Google and I really wished Kagi had the same.