TeMPOraL Kai I'd say either highlight or even, if simpler, just place an icon (warning sign, pencil, etc.) left of the URL, that means "modified by rewrite rule". Hovering would show the before, after, and name/text of rule that caused it.
gesumin Striking out the changed part and highlighting the new part like OP did is no option? https://docs.rs/tokio/ 0.1.18 latest/tokio/sync/oneshot/index.html
Browsing6853 Adding the rule description to the crystal ball would be cool too if you can't find any obvious alternative.
yokoffing TeMPOraL I think such rewrites could be achieved with uBlock Origin filter rules, but I haven't figured out how yet. Redirect rules have not and will not be supported by uBlock Origin (to my own disappointment!). It has been address many times on Github and Reddit.
TeMPOraL z64 BTW. is your roadmap available anyway? Do you have plans to make it public / subscriber-accessible? I'd love to know what new things are coming to Kagi!
z64 TeMPOraL We don't have an public roadmap available at the moment - and I can't speak for the future - but for now the closest thing will be a search like this here on flarum: https://kagifeedback.org/?sort=votes&secondaryTag=planned
yokoffing A good "privacy alternative frontend" to add to the list is https://wikiless.org for Wikipedia results. It looks exactly the same as Wikipedia!
gesumin yokoffing You can't (at least I can't) open a foreign language article and then search for something in that language. I get redirected to the english main page and have to search there. Why not just disable JS on wikipedia...
rmcg Support site aliasing to privacy front-ends such as teddit.net for reddit, or invidious for youtube.
Sss Would be great to have opt-in autodirect to privacy minded front-ends of popular sites, like: https://nitter.net/ https://teddit.net/ https://invidious.io/ Best
joystmp Would love to see this feature implemented at the earliest. Regarding visual indicator, I don't think its necessary. You can show what was changed to what in the Kagi site preference icon next to every link.
Vlad It is high on our priority list, but what is higher right now is moving to public beta and introducing a way for people to pay for the service.
hyperfekt I highly recommend the Redirector extension for this purpose - it should do everything anyone could want, even if coming from a site other than Kagi.
joystmp hyperfekt There's already an issue created for that https://orionfeedback.org/d/703-redirector-extension-does-not-work
sm It would be great to have the ability to down/up rank results based on the URI (or keywords) rather than just the domain itself without having to use a specific lens. For example, I want to block all results with AWS CDK's v1 API: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v1/ But I want results with the v2 API to show up and with higher priority: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v2/ Perhaps it could be done as a default lens as per https://kagifeedback.org/d/745-default-lens-for-searches
Browsing6853 Does it already satisfies your uses? https://kagifeedback.org/d/158-rewrite-rules-for-domains-ability-to-eg-translate-redditcom-into-oldredditcom/6