Recently, I've been experimenting with different email providers and have some ideas I'd personally like to see implemented in Kagi Mail.
Without knowing the current plans, planned features, or wishlist for Kagi Mail, I'll give an overview of the aspects I find most important.
What I think are the most important aspects I look for in an email service
- Custom Domains
I currently use two domains. There are tons of use cases to have.
- Email Aliases
Especially under custom domains, I've put a lot of work into organizing aliases by use case. Some people may need many; I currently keep about 14 in rotation.
- Security
This is a heavily mixed bag and a tough one to balance. There's the SECURE end (e.g., ProtonMail) where this is the primary focus, which comes with downsides. For example, having to install a bridge service to use Proton outside the web interface tends to be a bit extreme. E2EE is a big selling point for many people. For me, the security of my data not being sold is enough. It's a tough pill to swallow for some: email is inherently insecure. Just because my end might be encrypted and stored only on Proton's servers, the sender still has an insecure copy of the exchange.
This is where I've struggled the most, with Fastmail currently having a strong grasp. My partner and I share email aliases to easily track household notifications (e.g., shopping, living). Having a family plan/system is a major thing for some people.
Things I feel are driving factors when deciding between capable systems
- Filtering / Labeling
Using Fastmail, filtering emails into folders/labels has been extremely easy. This is a pretty big plus. Throughout my day, I can easily select what I want to see. For example, I could have financial emails, but I might not want to see them right now. By having those filtered into a folder, I’ll know I have unread emails there but can spend my (relatively short) time looking at the focus of my email viewing session (e.g., work).
Opinionated as always, a good and modern UI/UX is important, but it doesn't need to be flashy. One of the things I missed the most when jumping from Proton to Fastmail was the icons next to the sender's email. Having to read each email card to identify the contents might seem picky, but when you have a clear distinction between rows (in the form of the favicon or whatever it's called), it's much easier to navigate between them.
- AI
I know, I know, I personally don't rely on AI that much, BUT my partner does. She uses her email a lot more than I do for work, and having an AI system in place for composing has been a massive improvement for her. I'm guessing this was already planned based on Kagi Assistant, but I could be wrong.
- Performance
It might not seem like it, but once you've tried using a slow email service, it does bug you (Outlook 👀).
Not as important
Personal opinions*
- Native desktop apps
This might just be me and more focused on the EARLY stages of an email service. While nice to have, Fastmail's design and performance have been phenomenal on their web-based interface. I gladly prefer their PWA to most email clients I've tried—it's wicked. If it were up to me, I would focus most of the effort on getting the email service RIGHT and in a comfortable position to remove the overhead of managing feature rollouts on web vs. apps.
The ??? features
Could be important, can't say what its like without them
- Calendar
Honestly, I haven't tried using an email service without a calendar. I know this is a MAJOR announcement for some services (Tuta 👀). I can definitely see its benefits; calendar events via email are pretty important, so this might be important, but I'm not really sure.
- Drive
Similar to above, I haven't used an email service without a drive. I've used drives on other services for attachments. I'm not really sure how emails operate without it.
Wishlist Features
Things I would like to see
- Templating System
The number of times I've composed emails using a template I copied from my Obsidian vault is insane. This isn't that important but can be a really nice feature to have.
- Support / Feature Deliverability
As I've seen with the rest of Kagi, having excellent communication about the services, development, and roadmaps has been one of the biggest reasons I've stuck around (besides the offerings being a work of art, of course). What I would NOT like to see are half-baked implementations similar to what I've seen on Proton. I always switch to Proton, stick around for a bit, and am always disappointed with how their systems interact, often feeling as if they are checking boxes for a feature rather than correctly integrating it.
There is so much more, catch-all system, masked emails, gmail sync, calenadar sync, but I am way to tired. My biggest focus writing this was on the please don't miss these
Implementation Details
I've given a pretty broad brain dump on my opinions, while they may seem obvious at first, its extremely frustrating to see existing mailing services miss some of these things.
I'll give some insight/context on some of these topics for better detail
Custom Domains
A major driving force for the ability to scale an email service is the ability to make it easy for potential human and corporate clients alike to migrate to a new service without having to dedicate a ton of resources to do so.
It has been easy for me to jump ship on an email service without major reconfiguration when I know where I'm moving allows me to bring my domain with me, no need to update my 400+ accounts to a new email for a full migration. I setup my new service, update my DNS, and after a small bit of configuration on the service, I am back to focusing.
Email Aliases
Another no-brainer - I have dev
, shopping
, contact
, work
, etc emails. I could manage these through my DNS if I need to, but having the capabilities built-in would allow me to manage / filter these into folders/tags or whatever (like below).
MAJOR KEY: clicking reply
should reply from the alias (provide a switchable dropdown to choose the email to reply from)
OH MAN - this is the biggest driving factor for me personally, for me and my partner, having a good way to manage our emails is CRITICAL. We have two domains we balance around depending on use case - personal vs business - when working together (lets say a team of 2, but is relevant for many businesses) We like to have the ability to have an email that would be the equivalent of an Organizational Unit.
Personal Example:
email sent to: shopping@personaldomain.tld
effect: we both receive the email, in whatever folder we filtered it through, and both are able to reply to the email by that alias AND OR a different alias. We should be able to both see the context of that conversation.
Company Example:
email sent to: security@businessdomain.tld
effect: team should receive the email, in whatever structure, and the team should be able to reply to the email (NOTE: some businesses like to have control over who actually gets to reply emails going to this alias). This is extremely useful for my company as we have shared responsibility for emergency channels.
Filtering and Labeling
Folders vs Labels vs new different system. I can't really think of any major improvements in this field, some people like to have emails go into a folder (not duplicated, this is me btw), some people like to have emails go into multiple sections based on label (this is my partner). I can't come up with something new here, would simply say - without a new solution, best to have both of these options available.
I have no suggestions and am PERSONALLY flexible, some people want the traditional
layout, folders/lables/categories on the left, email rows in the middle, email contents on the right. Might be good to have a toggle between traditional
and whatever you guys are planning
based on beta feedback. Or just YOLO it on a new approach all together as long it keeps it visually easy to jump around (Email Sender Favicon PLEASE)
Assuming the privacy/security is good; (maybe have a toggle to prevent automatic AI usage?)
- Email Compose AI - self explanatory
- Email Summary AI - on single email window and/or a general overview (e.g.,
what are my latest updates on email about XYZ
- Email Smart Context AI - compose context suggestions based on email contents (e.g.,
When you get the chance, take a look at the recent events happening in XYZ
- powered by Kagi Ki)
this list can go on and on and on...
Some people really just want to look at their emails quickly and exit the app as soon as possible (me) - when it comes to performance, prefetching, lazy loading, and smart email loading mechanisms will make a massive difference. I don't want to see a huge splash screen in my face for 3 seconds (proton/outlook) of course things like this depend on many factors but in reality, much of the content should have a pretty good FCP and low TBT.
Templating System
I've been using Obsidian Templaters plugin to create templates for my personal notes, work tickets, email compositions, and much more to make it easy for me to minimize the amount of time I'm spending writing things on obsidian. Something similar I think would be extremely valuable to have in an email system.
This could be done in
A. A tempting engine - such as that found on Obsidian Templater - could be a pretty big uplift - maybe start with option B
B. AI based response suggestions - allow Kagi Assistant to generate a response on command
C. Both
Command Panel
This came up in my head as I was writing this, I'm a huge keyboard person, a command panel (such as that found on obsidian & monkeytype) could be used for many things
Some Ideas
ai: some action
: present AI action items
compose: create new X
: email, calendar event, conference invite
help: Y
: present help pages or resources for utilizing kagi mail