Hello Kagi community,
I love Kagi and the AI features that are baked into the search experience. I preface with this to dispel any thoughts that I am taking an "Anti-AI" stance.
I work for a large enterprise company regulated in an industry that has strict data loss protection controls. Unfortunately, after almost a year of no issues, Kagi was blocked at my workplace falling under a categorization of "A.I. Tools". I can't in good faith attempt to reclassify it since it does offer AI functionality in the search experience.
Typically, enterprise content filters work on allow and block lists. My suggestion is to offer an AI free search experience, and lack of API access for AI features, from a dedicated domain. This would allow categorization under a "Search Engine" vs. "AI Tools" by making a clear distinction between the functionalities.
I want to continue supporting Kagi, but to be honest, 90%+ of my searches come from at work. While I could pursue reclassification, I believe it to be likely that other large corporations in sensitive industries could block Kagi on a whim, especially since enterprise security appliances typically share block-lists per vendor.
The user would have the ability to use Kagi in a "Slimmed down" mode that allows for use of the search engine functionality without AI from a different domain.