What happened?
Agnes failed to identify the first timestamp of a mention of a guest speaker. It was wildly wrong.
Here is an image of the wrong interaction result:

Here is an image of what the expected correct result should have been (roughly at 5:39) according to the generated transcript (name is search-highlighted in-line):

How did it happen?
After feeding a document into the Summarizer through the bang interface, I went into the "Discuss Further" option and asked Agnes directly about WHEN the first use of the guest speaker's name was invoked. Agnes was wildly wrong.
What are the steps to replicate the issue.
Feed the following URL to the Summarizer engine:
Select the "Discuss Further" option
Ask it variations of the question "What is the timestamp of the first mention of the name "Sabrina Wallace?"
What did you expect to happen?
I expect the some statement back from Agnes that sounds something like:
"The speaker first mentions the name "Sabrina Wallace" at approximately 5:39 in the video timeline."
Describe the desired functionality.
Essentially, Agnes will have "when was the first / last / all mention(s) of a term" functionality for a given term. Effectively, the equivalent of doing some kind of regular expression search on the transcript.
I'm not expecting this to create a fully time-coded index at the jump of a summary. More like a "2nd pass" type of summary / transcript search.