user story
As a Kagi small web spelunker, I would like a way to show my appreciation by zapping small web sites, so that I can reward those focusing on signal over ad-tech optimised noise, AND I can give Kagi another indicator in which websites carry superior signal.
acceptance criteria
- Kagi enjoyer has a way to (zap) send a Lightning (or e-cash) payment to a small website creator
- Kagi enjoyer is informed upon successful payment sent
- Kagi has a way to inform the small website owner that they have been zapped/sent a payment
- The small web site owner has a way to claim their sats
implementation & discussion
-Sendings micropayments without permission to website owners is a display of value-for-value (the polar opposite of the creepy & privacy and time invasive paid ad model)
-Effectively all websites/websites owners do not have a LN, or cashu/e-cash address posted
-Therefore in sendings sats there is a chicken and egg problem
-Kagi could investigate cashu mints, or Fedimints as a method to hold small amounts on behalf of website owners
-The website owner notification mechanism should include instructions on how to claim sats sent by small website enjoyers to the website owner
Mockup "zap" button on Kagi Small web

P.s. I have no idea what the "Appreciate" button does. Does it send monetary reward to the webiste owner? Is it simply an "upvote" in Kagi's small web rankings?
Unlike a "like", or "upvote", sending a micropayment is not free, and carries real world cost. A zap is tangible proof that value was sent.
Zaps can be a valuable signal marker in Kagi's search engine. Zapped small web websites should appear higher in the results.
Zapped websites will open an entirely new frontier in webpage search, similar to zapped content on nostr.
Example Basic User Flow
1) Kagi small web spelunker receives significant value for a website
2) Kagi small web site appreciator sends a "zap" of a micropayment to the website
3) Small website owner is notified of zap receipt

Open questions
If a Kagi enjoyer does not have any sats, how might Kagi help them acquire sats for sending to small web site owners?
Which wallet(s) is recommended if the Kagi user does not have a LN/e-cash wallet?
Do-not-zap list
Non-small web entities should not be zapped.
Anything anti-small web such as dot gov, GUULAGL should never be zapped.