Kolorni When you got the threads tab open, holding shift could show a delete button which you then can click to immediately delete a thread. Would speed up clearing out old threads. If you want to quickly delete a lot of threads, this would help alot
Thibaultmol Not sure how this would work. But have you seen these keyboard shortcuts? https://help.kagi.com/kagi/ai/assistant.html#keyboard-shortcuts
mackid1993 There should be a way to delete all saved Assistant threads or a way to select many threads to delete enmasse such as with checkboxes and holding the shift key. This is useful for housekeeping as right now if you save everything threads have to be cleaned up one by one.
Thibaultmol would you say your feedback is the same as this? https://kagifeedback.org/d/5677-holding-shift-in-assistant-should-show-delete-button-for-threads
mackid1993 Luis Maybe the title should be updated. I think the idea is we want a bulk delete option however that is best implemented but the current title isn't very clear on that.