oreoro httpjames ok let me research more on this and get back to you for an ideal blog tech based on your needs!
gladiator2339 oreoro I have to disagree on Ghost. Used it for few months until I finally realized that it's just Wordpress but with smaller community. How about Hugo + very simple, custom built CMS?
Thibaultmol gladiator2339 correction: you're thinking only of ghost's blog aspect. Ghost's main thing is also it's newsletter systems and such. Just to clarify. it's more than 'just wordpress'. I'm sure it'll take you a while to make something easy to use like Ghost that does all that it does
carl gladiator2339 In my opinion one of the most important aspects of Ghost is that it handles paid subscriptions. This is a nightmare on WordPress, and just as expensive for the blogger.
oreoro Thanks all for your valuable feedback unfortunately this suggestion was not accepted by kagi and this thread will inactive from my side.