yupp — Yesterday at 15:39
What is actually the research assistant? Sometimes when I ask a more complex question in the assistant through my lens, it would say that it would use the research assistant to answer that question. Its very helpful but seems to be called randomly - is it possible to activate it actively? Thanks!
Vlad — Yesterday at 15:46
this sounds like bug/unwanted behavior - can you submit a bug report with few examples?
yupp — Yesterday at 15:52
will do

Option — Yesterday at 19:31
ha, I get that sometimes too. And sometimes I get some sort of JSON object displayed with the search that the researchagent is planning on doing, and it gets stuck on that and never responds. Next time that happens I'll try to find your bug report and add my info to it

Not expected to happen but sounded like a feature that can't be actively called.
Whenever the ResearchAgent appears, it looks like if there was some queried behaviour involved similar as with Perplexity (multiple search queries and aggregating information)

    a month later

    I also just noticed this and i'm wondering as well

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