Kagi already has the option to replace thumbnails with a random screenshot from the video.
My suggestion is to add the ability to show user submitted thumbnails, and titles from DeArrow if available.
Since I have already paid for DeArrow, I think it would be nice to be able to use that in search as well.
Context may be lost if the thumbnail only shows a random image from the video, and the title is just clickbait which doesn't tell us much.
For example a video with a title "DON'T DO THIS" and an over dramatic thumbnail with a chess board.
With a random screenshot from the video, you may just see a frame of the person talking, and lose the context that the video is about chess.
If the title and thumbnail is user submitted, you are less likely to lose context. The title may instead be "Why you should not do X in chess".
Chess may be a bad example here, but hopefully you get the point.
When users searches through videos, they could avoid clickbait, while still being able to have some context as to what the video actually is about.
Payment for DeArrow can either come from Kagi directly through whichever plan this feature would be available for, or the user could enter their UserID in the settings.