Using the search terms:
festool 1010 filetype:svg
(Kagi url:
(built with the advanced feature) doesn’t give me svg files. It just gives me a search for all files.
IPad OS 17.5.1
International search is on
I am based in Italy; I don’t know my Kagi node.
Problem occurs with both settings: “Request Mobile Website” and “Request Desktop Website”.
When I try to create a lens for svg files, I also get this erroneous result.
I expected to see a list of svg files, similar to the way that using the search terms:
festool 1010 filetype:pdf
(Kagi url:
shows me pdf files:
The behaviour should be consistent for the filetype tag. And the lens for pdfs and svgs should also work consistently.
Thanks for any help/fixes you can provide 🙂