awefdev Absolutely. The things you could do with this feature....
I think this collaborative approach to seach could result in some really amazing things with a little creativity.
I'm also 100% in agreement that this sort of thing is possible if done intentionally and with the Kagi principles in mind. I see a lot of sentiments here that read to me as fear and disdain of user data and collaboration. I understand; we've been traumatized. It's never been done properly before. I personally would like to give Kagi the chance to do it the right way.
My opinion is that this data has value, which unfortunately makes it upsettingly profitable. I want to receive this value directly, safely, transparently, and with consent. I also truly desire to see what amazing things could be acomplished through data collection and sharing when it's unincumbered by greed.
I stand by this sentiment, and I'm happy to (respectfully) debate or discuss with anyone who thinks differently. (Perhaps over here if you'd like to discuss kagi user data as a general concept: )