Tonight when searching for a local diner via iOS Firefox, Kagi's top result had Apple Maps. There was no phone number or other information listed. The diner's website's phone number would not automatically dial. I ended up searching through Google and the top result had a call button available.
Please consider making business searches more like Google: display links for phone number, website, etc.
If I am overlooking this information with iOS Firefox or if there is a setting that I need to change, please let me know.
I'm loving Kagi and love not having ads. However, there are some nuances that Kagi could adopt from other search engines.
Searching with Google gives a picture of the business along with links to call, provide directions, share it with someone else, or visit website. There is even a link to order online. The ordering online portion I'm not as concerned with, but I would like to see ability to call.