Quick Answer
Brainstorming is a creative thinking technique used
to generate a large number of ideas quickly and collaboratively. It typically involves a group of people who interact to suggest ideas spontaneously in response to a specific prompt or problem. The primary goals of brainstorming are to encourage free thinking, foster creativity, and explore various solutions to a defined issue.
Key characteristics of brainstorming include:
Group Interaction: Participants share their thoughts and ideas without criticism, promoting an open environment.
Idea Generation: The focus is on quantity over quality, allowing for a wide range of suggestions.
Spontaneity: Ideas are generated in a free-flowing manner, often leading to unexpected insights.
Consensus Building: After generating ideas, the group can refine and merge them to find the best solutions12.
Overall, brainstorming is an effective method for teams to collaboratively tackle challenges and innovate34.
The comment was a shit also labelled as a one
I did not expect feedback on its quality, appreciate your comment, and don't intend to refine my shit so I might not reply to it more than to clarify that in the suggestion, LLMs would be provided by external providers, the storage controlled controlled physically by the user, and software itself run by Kagi, which somewhat albeit unintentionally and distantly resembles one vaporware / concept-stage design that spun off from QubesOS project; and that eventually, agency will become "a feature", terminal emulators being a natural & powerful extension of LLMs. However that's just to clarify the original meaning of it.
I think the issue here would however be more of a procedual or communication flaw in the forum than anything of yours or mine.
The feature request system has good design. Alas it seems to me that the brainstorming, consolidation & reviewing phases, going from really hastily sketched down ideas to "concepts that pass basic critical examination & Kagi says are plausible in principle", generating refined work, could use, forum cultural, usability & epistemological work.
What you want is something that doesn't let shit pass through but let's it be thrown around & systematically compared. Currently in shit is only allowed to be thrown which is a good thing as long as Kagi doesn't take "the feedback" too seriously (see why Asahi head developer resigned in 2025-02).