Nice (and sad at the same time) to see I'm not alone. I came here exactly to report that "Quick Answer" feature, which has started to appear for a lot of searches now, is totally making up answers 😡
See this one for example:

It's totally made up. That tag doesn't absolutely work with Hugo static engine (it's supported by some other engines, for example Pelican, but not Hugo).
Instead the answer clearly mentions Hugo and even a specific version of it 🙄
It's already difficult to find accurate information on the web, if you start adding totally made up information, there is no point in searching for something.
Please do not forget that many of us have decided to move to Kagi because we wanted accurate information which Google is nowadays unable to provide anymore.
If you start providing false information for a simple search like this, I'm not sure I want to keep using the service. This in particular made me waste a couple of hours trying to fix a page, rebuild etc... until I disabled the quick search, visited a few links and found out it was false!