When using a news "Style" lens, search results are always grouped by site. Even if I manually change the "order by" option to "time", it still groups the results by site:

In this picture, you can see that time is selected, yet all of the visible results are from one source. In this example search, all of the NPR results appear first, then apnews, then al jazeera. It is also notable that within each grouping, they are not ordered in accordance to the "n [units] ago" tags displayed beside some results.

Here is a screenshot from further down the results page. The "order by" selection is set to "Time, Ascending", yet the time tags visible read in order: "7hours ago, 1 day ago, 3 hours ago, 8 hours ago..." So even within the groupings, the user-selected "order by" is not respected.
I would expect the news sorting to be by relevance, and give me a mix of relevant news stories from the different site at the top instead of grouping by source so I have to scroll a long way to see what each news source is reporting on a given story. But regardless of the default ordering, manually selecting a different 'order by' option should be respected, or failing that, the user control should be suppressed so as not to give the false impression that different ordering options are selectable.