Vlad We were thinking of removing it as it has problematic search quality sometimes, but also it can surface good photos that sometime do not surface otherwise.
Please don't. Wikimedia Commons has it's problems (as seen above) and is somewhat hit or miss. But depending on the query, it is the best possible image provider. I use Wikimedia Commons occasionally and even made a !wc
bang for it. I think the quality of search for usable, licensed images would decrease drastically. As someone who is often reliant on the license filter provided by Kagi, I feel like this would cripple the results too much.
Another factor: I think Wiki Commons is very much in line with Kagi's mission. Images on there are very human. If you have a general query like "banana", they provide you with "stock-like" images, that are not boring stock photos. But they also surface hobbies, human interactions, a local workshop or some photo of a real banana plantage.
As a last ditch effort: If you really feel like removing Wiki Commons, at least consider making it a toggle. ("More diverse results, sometimes off-topic.")
Again: Please don't. I hate to use such strong words, but this might be a dealbreaker. Not because my workflow is so Commons-centered, which it isn't. But because only Commons (among a few others) can provide me with usable, real, and humane images.