z64 Hi kyeb , We've had reports of this before from a couple of people but have been unable to pinpoint a cause. Can you recall anything recent you might of done in this menu, or the Custom Bangs page, to reproduce this? Does it persist if you relog?
kyeb This is what I see under customize: I can manually add search engines, but the defaults that used to be there for me (Google, Bing, perhaps others, I don't remember) are gone.
kyeb Hmmm, can't think of anything specific, sorry! I don't think I've ever clicked the "customize" button before, until I noticed the defaults were gone.
z64 kyeb Gotcha, thanks. If you could try logging out & logging back in again, that would be good to try as well to help narrow the issue down. It would be great if you (or anyone else experiencing this issue) could email zac@kagi.com with the email address associated with your Kagi account so that I can take a closer look at the state of your account.