But why even make the joke?
You want customer feedback, right? The fact that Kagi didn't recognise the name "Defold" was important to me, and you intentionally ignored that to fire a cheap shot. What incentive do I have to come back here in good faith ever again?
I know search is a difficult problem, and you used to have my respect for tackling it. I came here to offer feedback and share my point of view, and you mocked me in public for it. If you think Kagi's spelling correction is as good as it can get and you're not interested in feedback when it goes wrong, you can just say that.
I stand by my opinion: I submitted a three-word query. One word was misspelled, and so Kagi assumed a second word was misspelled too. That resulted in irrelevant results.
I think it would've been better if Kagi had trusted the words that I didn't misspell. You think my opinion is invalid because I made a mistake.
You're hosting a feedback forum where your customers are as likely to get laughed at than listened to with empathy. I can't engage on those terms.