I think it would be great if we could easily access past threads/conversations with the Assistant. I often find myself wanting to continue a conversation or research topic that I started some hours/days ago, but I rarely remember to save the thread URL.
Ideally I'd like to have a list of conversations--similar to the ChatGPT sidebar, with a summary of each thread--sorted by last interaction date available in the UI. As an MVP, just having a list of links to the thread with the initial question would be useful. I would like to be able to continue the conversation from where it left off.
It would also be great to have some search functionality over this history. This would also differentiate the feature from e.g. ChatGPT which to my knowledge lacks this functionality.
Perhaps this could be integrated into a "History" pane/tab on the Assistant page, linking to the thread URL. See mock-up: 
As a user I would use this feature whenever I wanted to go back to a past conversation and either
- continue the conversation of past research
- remind myself of what was discussed in past conversations
An obvious example of a UI that implements this in a straightforward manner is ChatGPT.